Inflammation Of The Sinuses Could Be Related To Asthma

Health experts estimate 37 million Americans are affected by inflammation of the sinuses every year.
When you have a sinus inflammation, the mucus membranes of your nose, sinuses and throat become swollen. This swelling will prevent normal drainage.
When your sinuses can't drain properly they will clog up, causing you not to be able to breathe through your nose, and this will cause a sinus infection.
Inflammation Of The Sinuses And Sinus Infection Can Be Caused By A Variety Of Things And Can Be Different For Different People:
- Being out in the wind
It doesn't matter if it's winter or summer, the wind will cause a sinus infection for me.- Being around smoke or smokers
Luckily many people have stopped smoking and it's not allowed in bars and restaurants anymore. I used to go out to a bar or restaurant in the evening, and know I would have a sinus infection the next day from the smoke. It is an allergic reaction to the smoke for me, and it could be for you too. The bad part is, it's not just tobacco smoke. I can experience the same sinus inflammation from a great campfire which I really enjoy, but sometimes it's just not worth it.
- Mold and mildew.
Before we got an air purifier we had a musty, mildew smelling basement. If I spent too much time down there I would develop a sinus infection and I could be sick for a few weeks. - Spring time pollens are a sinus inflammation trigger also, and I know that's true for many people. A quality air purifier will help tremendously with that problem.
- Being around somebody with a cold
I don't think I have ever had just a cold. Mine always turns into a sinus infection, and I'm sick for at least a month.
Other Triggers For Chronic Sinus Infection:
- Nasal polyps or tumors
These growths could block the nasal passages or sinuses, causing inflammation. - Deviated nasal septum
This is the wall between the nostrils. This may restrict or block your sinus passages. - A fractured or broken facial bone may cause blockage of the sinus passages
- Some immune system diseases could result in nasal blockage and inflammation of the sinuses
- Having asthma
The majority of people with asthma also have chronic inflammation of the sinuses.
Things You Can Do To Get Some Relief From A Sinus Infection:
- Regular use of a saline nasal spray to rinse the sinus cavitiy and keep it from becoming infected
- Nasal spray (corticosteroids) prescribed by the doctor to prevent inflammation of the sinus membranes
- Over the counter Decongestants such as Mucinex
- Antibiotics if it's a bacterial infection
It requires at least 10-14 days of antibiotics to clear up the infection. Antibiotics should be your last resort. They will kill the bacteria that is causing the infection, but they also kill good bacteria that your body needs.- Hot Packing the sinuses several times a day will often open them up and prevent a full blown infection.
Just use a damp towel or wash cloth, as hot as you can stand it, and apply it to the sinus areas until the cloth becomes cool. Keep repeating this for at least 10 minutes if you can.- Fill a bowl with boiling water and wrap a towel around it, and your face to inhale the steam
Add some essential oils or even Vicks Vapo Rub to help open up the sinuses.- A long hot steamy shower will help also
- Drink lots of water
This will help keep the mucus from becoming too thick and causing inflammation of the sinuses.- Get as much rest as possible to fight the infection
You probably feel tired and run down from fighting the sinus inflammation anyhow. Just listen to your body.
Symptoms Of Sinus Infection:- A thick yellow or green, usually smelly discharge from your nose and draining into your throat
- Difficulty breathing through your nose
- A headache that can hurt anywhere on your face
- Your eyes hurt
- One or both ears ache
They also snap and crackle.- Your teeth hurt even though you know you don't have a bad tooth
- Intense pain in your head if you bend over to pick something up
- You are weak and tired, and just don't feel up to par, kind of in a fog feeling
- You could have a fever and the chills
- You could have a runny nose
- Postnasal drip--mucus draining down the back of your throat
- Your sense of smell isn't what it should be
- Food doesn't taste right
- You have bad breath, it's the infection
- You could have a cough
To Help Prevent Inflammation Of The Sinuses:- Know what you are allergic to and how to control it
- Keep away from smoke
- Stay out of the wind, wear something on your head if it's cold out
- Keep away from people with colds, you won't get a cold you'll get a sinus infection
- Invest in a good air purifier for your home
- Drink plenty of water and hot tea
A cup of hot water with 1-2 tbsp of honey is very good also. I learned this from Chunyi Lin the founder of Spring Forest Qigong . Master Lin says hot honey water is good for the lungs also.- Hot chicken soup is not an old wives tale, it really does open up the mucus membranes and makes it easier to breathe
- Eat hot spicy foods to keep the sinuses open
- Get lots of rest to keep your immune system working properly
- Avoid sugar, it's bad for your immune system. That includes drinking orange juice for the vitamin C
It will be better if you take a vitamin C supplement and avoid all the sugar that is in the orange juice.- Taking a high quality omega 3 supplement for sinus infections will help to prevent chronic sinusitis by controlling inflammation in your body.
- Use Coconut Oil ---Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which is known for being antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal
. Be sure that you find a company that uses only fresh coconuts to make their oil. Many of it is made from dried coconuts and is an inferior product.- Use Pure Manuka Honey
---This has anti bacterial and anti viral properties.- Dust proof your bedroom the best you can
Dust and dust mites are a source of allergens and sinus problems. Running your air purifier in or near your bedroom will make a huge difference in how you feel.- Hum
Swedish researchers have found that humming can help maintain healthy nasal passages and avoid a sinus infection. Humming increases the amount of air exhaled from the nose versus other common exhalations, which could lower the risk of asinus infection if done routinely.- Inhale Essential oils especially oil of peppermint
Put a few drops of the essential oil in a bowl of very hot water and inhale the vapors to relieve your inflammation of the sinuses.
Most of your symptoms of inflammation of the sinuses should clear up within a month. However, once in a while there can be serious complications.
If a sinus infection passes through the bone, it can infect the lining of the brain -- meningitis -- or even the brain itself. Both problems are life threatening.
A sinus infection can also spread into the orbit of the eye, possibly causing blindness.
And, sinus inflammation can lead to potentially fatal aneurysms or infected blood clots. These complications are rare.
Less severe complications include asthma attacks and loss of smell or taste.
Pott's puffy tumor is also a serious complication of bacterial frontal inflammation of the sinuses.
One of my grandaughters had a Pott's puffy tumor when she was eleven years old. It is sad to look at. It causes a large section of the forehead to very noticeably protrude, and it is painful and dangerous.
It sometimes requires surgery to drain the tumor and then 6 weeks of IV antibiotics. My grandaughter didn't have surgery, but she did have the 6 weeks of IV antibiotics. Luckily my daughter inlaw was a nurse at the time, and could administer the IV's at home. After she had the Potts puffy tumor, she now has developed asthma.
What Research Is Finding About Inflammation Of The Sinuses
Health experts have suggested that chronic sinus infection and asthma may be the same disease manifested in two parts of the respiratory system: upper and lower. I'll be watching for more research into that.
Johns Hopkins researchers are now saying most sinus conditions are caused by a fungus. So, if you do have chronic sinus infection, stop taking antibiotics, get on an antifungal diet, and ask your doctor for antifungal medications. Read The Fungus Link by Doug Kaufman
Purchase An Excellent Antifungal Recipe Book
Eating your Way To Good Health (Recipes for Doug Kaufmann's Anitfungal Diet)
NIAID-(National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease) supported research is examining whether chronic sinus infection can be caused by an unusual reaction to fungi normally found inside the nose and the sinuses.
One study has recently shown that when blood cells from people with chronic sinusitis are exposed to fungal material, those cells make chemicals that produce inflammation. This raises the possibility that fungi may play a role in some cases of chronic sinus infection.
A new study attributes nearly 100% of chronic sinus inflammation to mold. Something even more frightening is 50% of homes contain mold.
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