PAD Can Be Diagnosed With An Ankle Brachial Index Test

PAD is a common inflammation causing disease that affects approximately 10-12 million Americans and over 30 million people world wide.

It Is Known To Increase The Risk Of:

It occurs when arterial blockage--plaque in arteries, reduce or block the flow of blood to your limbs.

But, can also be present in the arteries that carry blood from your heart to your head, kidneys and stomach.

It can also cause erectile dysfunction even in younger men who have arterial blockage.

Nearly everyone who has it, even those who do not have pain in the legs, experiences an inability to walk as fast, or as far, as they could before having the disease.

Hardening of the arteries, is a chronic disease that worsens over time.

It can begin to develop as early as childhood. All people begin to develop some degree of it as they age.

However, symptoms are not usually present until blood flow becomes significantly slowed with arterial blockage.

Consequently it is not usually diagnosed until after the disease has progressed.

Research Has Shown That Nearly 75% Of People With Peripheral Artery Disease Do Not Experience Symptoms.

Women are less likely than men to have symptoms.

The Most Common Complaints People Have When They Are Experiencing Arterial Blockage Are:

  • Cramps
  • Tiredness, or pain in the legs
  • Thighs
  • Or buttocks
  • That always happens when you walk but goes away when you rest.

  • Foot or toe pain at rest which will often disturb your sleep.
  • Skin wounds or ulcers on your feet or toes that are slow to heal

Are You at Risk for PAD?

The most important risk factors are similar to those for arterial blockage elsewhere in the body:

  • The chance of getting it increases as you get older , most common after age 50
  • If you smoke, or even if you were a smoker you have a greater risk
  • If you have diabetes
  • If you have high blood pressure
  • If you have abnormal cholesterol levels
  • Being of African American ethnicity
  • Having had a heart attack or Stroke or other signs of Heart Disease
  • If you have hereditary factors

10 Important Things You Must Do To Prevent Peripheral Artery Disease

  • If you smoke get help to quit
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Lower your LDL cholesterol
  • Manage your blood sugar
  • Practice proper foot care if you have diabetes
  • Talk to your doctor about taking anti-clotting medicines such as aspirin
  • Eat an anti inflammatory diet
  • Get regular exercise such as walking for 30 minutes at least 3 or 4 times a week
  • If you have pain in the legs or cramps in your legs, talk with your doctor
  • Get plenty of sunshine
  • Take vitamin D3
  • Take extra vitamin C

Researchers found that people with PAD had vitamin C blood levels nearly twice as low as those in people without it.

In several studies, serum levels of inflammatory markers, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), have been found to be higher in people with PAD than in control groups.

CRP is elevated when there is inflammation somewhere in the body.

Studies also show that among apparently healthy men, high baseline levels of C-Reactive Protein predict future risk of developing peripheral artery disease.

Research indicates Omega 3 Fish Oil may have beneficial effects on P.A.D.

Omega 3 fatty acids, which also improve the chronic inflammation , treatment and prevention of coronary artery disease, can be found in fatty cold water fish, such as salmon, mackerel and herring.

According to the American Vascular Association:

Vascular Disease Including Arterial Blockage Outside The Heart Causes Almost As Much:

  • Death and disability as heart disease
  • And more than any Cancer

Unfortunately, most Americans don’t know very much about it.

With Early Detection, Most Cases Of Peripheral Artery Disease And Atherosclerosis Can Be Treated Very Effectively.

It is always important to be proactive when it comes to your health. Your life could depend on it.

Talk with your doctor about an Ankle Brachial Index test

The ankle brachial index test compares your blood pressure measured at your ankle with your blood pressure measured at your arm.

A low ankle brachial index number can indicate:

  • Narrowing or hardening of the arteries
  • Causing pain in the legs and leading to:

  • Circulatory problems
  • Heart disease
  • Or stroke.

Have your C-Reactive Protein checked. It's a simple blood test.

Take a quality fish oil supplement to reduce inflammation.

Learn About Heart Surgeon Dr Dwight Lundell
Review Of The Great Cholesterol Lie

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