About Me

Hello, my name is Diane. Sometimes referred to as Grandma D.

It is my intention with this site to educate you about your health. Here's how...I am an online researcher on the subject of inflammation.

I have been involved in social science research as an interviewer for 35 years.

When I got laid off from my job in February of 2009 I began to search seriously for an online business.

So, I decided I'd learn how to build a website. I am not a professional webmaster, or any kind of a geek, but I figured I could do it with the proper guidance.

I've never been afraid to try something new. Unfortunately, I got taken down the garden path by some slick promoters more than once.

Fortunately I am not a quitter. I eventually found the company I am building this site with,SBI, and they do deliver on their promises.

After I found the right company, the problem then was, what will my website be about? Good question!

It came down to a couple of different things, but health won hands down. It has been an interest of mine for quite awhile.

I had no choice but to became interested in health when I had breast cancer in 1994. Before that, like a lot of people, I just took my health for granted.

I believe, if I had known then what I know now, chances are I would never have gotten sick. But, life is a great teacher.

Now, I figured out I'd write about health, but thats a broad topic.

I didn't really know much about inflammation, or chronic inflammation until I accidently came accross a website talking about Dr Lundell and The Great Cholesterol Lie. This got me curious immediately.

When I read about this brilliant heart surgeon going against conventional thinking I had to find out more. More importantly... he had proof of what he was talking about.

It all made sense to me.

This gave me the subject for my website. inflammation-information.com

This site will continue to be a work in progress as I add new diseases caused by inflammation, and also add new research findings on what is already posted.

It is my hope that you will learn something about inflammation as you go through the pages.

You will be presented with the facts from the research I have done, and also real life stories. You will have the opportunity to learn and share your stories also.

Best of all...You will learn how to be in control of your own health, so you can stay healthy, or get healthy.

Building this site is a real adventure for me. The time flies by, and it's fun to be working from home and setting my own hours doing what I want to be doing.

If you are laid off like I am, or if you have always wondered about working from home, please:

Go Here Now, And Check Out How This Inexperienced Great Grandma Learned To Build This Site.

Ignore any Solo Build It scam reviews you come across, those are a lie written by scammers about SBI.

If I can do this anybody can. I'm not a techie, I'm an ordinary grandma.

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