"If You Have Huntingtons Disease, Feed Your Brain Omega 3 Fish Oil"

Huntingtons disease, also known as Huntingtons chorea, affects 30,000 Americans. It is an inherited condition caused by a single abnormal gene that causes certain nerve cells in the cerebrum to deteriorate and die.

If one parent has the single faulty gene, the chance that a child will have the defect is 50 percent.

It is a Progressive Degenerative Disease marked by:

  • Involuntary jerky movements in the:
  • Arms
  • Neck
  • Trunk
  • And Face

Other symptoms include:

  • A Wide prancing gait
  • Hesitant speech
  • And Intellectual deterioration

"The symptoms can start either with:

  • Psychiatric symptoms
  • Personality changes
  • Irritability
  • Memory loss
  • Or with physical symptoms," said neurologist Dr. Steven Cohen.

Studies have found that up to 80 per cent of those with either Huntingtons disease or degenerative diseases affecting the cerebellum also suffer from:

  • Depression
  • Impaired thinking
  • Changes in personality

Indiana University School of Medicine Recruited patients with a family history of Huntingtons disease.

They found that the ones who eventually developed the disease became more irritable and hostile before any other symptoms of the disease appeared.

Columbia Health Science HDSA Center for Excellence at the New York State Psychiatric Institute found that patients grasping abilities decrease more and more over time.

They also studied a group of patients and found that over half of them had symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Symptoms normally appear when people are in their 30s to 50s and then progress steadily during the next 10 to 20 years.

Huntingtons disease is not fatal by itself.

However, people with it do have a shorter life expectancy, and die of other complications related to the disease.

Pneumonia and Heart Disease are the two leading causes of death for people with the disease.

Additionally, these patients have:

  • Higher incidence of choking
  • Respiratory complications
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • And Suicide
  • than people without the disease.

Research has shown that chronic inflammation is common in the nerve cells of patients with Huntingtons disease, and that it may be a cause of it's neurodegenerative damage.

Acute inflammation protects the body from damage and disease, when we are injured or under a lot of stress.

However, Chronic Inflammation , can lead to many very serious health issues.

How Is Huntington's Disease Diagnosed?

The doctor will ask about recent intellectual or emotional problems, which may be indications of the disease.

They will test the person's:

  • Hearing
  • Eye movements
  • Strength
  • Coordination
  • Involuntary movements (chorea)
  • Sensation
  • Reflexes
  • Balance
  • Movement
  • Mental status
And will order a number of Lab Tests as well

The discovery of the Huntingtons gene in 1993 resulted in a direct genetic test to make or confirm a diagnosis.

The great American folk singer and composer Woody Guthrie died on October 3, 1967, after suffering from Huntingtons disease for 13 years.

He had been misdiagnosed, considered an alcoholic, and shuttled in and out of mental institutions and hospitals for years before being properly diagnosed.

His case, sadly, is not out of the ordinary, although the diagnosis can now be made easily by experienced neurologists.

What Can You Do If You Have The Huntingtons Gene?

Inflammation in the brain has been increasingly recognized as an important component in neuro degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.

These findings are opening the door to therapeutic approaches for Huntingtons disease that target inflammation.

A good anti inflammation diet is as important for mental health as it is for physical health.

Studies are being done on several different antioxidants and foods that reduce inflammation.

Studies are showing that Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements are not only useful for our general health but also show promise in becoming a useful treatment option for several neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA are polyunsaturated fats that are not made in the human body, but must be obtained from the foods we eat.

They are found in highest concentrations in cold water fish such as salmon and sardines.

A recent study among healthy elderly people suggests that improvement in memory with folic acid supplements might have benefits that are even greater than simply preventing damage.

A new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, adds to the evidence that vitamin C supplements can lower concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP.)

This is a central biomarker of inflammation that has been shown to be a reliable predictor of heart disease and diabetes.

High homocysteine levels are also associated with an increased risk of:

Homocysteine is a harmful amino-acid which may contribute to the progression of Huntingtons.

Homocysteine levels rise without adequate B vitamins.

The cardiovascular benefits of lower homocysteine levels could be especially important.

Antioxidants have been shown to improve balance, coordination, and short-term memory and promote neurogenesis in the Alzheimer's rat model (Joseph et al., 2003).

Massachusetts General Hospital Tested Co Q10 as a potential treatment and found that the drug can extend patients lives and delay the onset of symptoms.

Co Q10 is a dietary supplement that can be bought at health food stores or pharmacies.

It is a natural nutrient made in the human body which is involved in multiple cell processes. It is also found in meat and seafood. It acts as an antioxidant.

University of South Florida Center for Aging and Brain Repair Found that people whose diets are rich in antioxidants age slower.

That's because antioxidants block the free radicals that cause body function to decline.

In one study, scientists found that patients with Huntington's had higher levels of cytokines, in their brain tissue.

Cytokines signal the brain that there is an infection somewhere in the body.

Cytokines are found in every inflammatory disorder. So,if this is true, an anti inflammation diet , may help people with Huntingtons disease.

What Is An Anti Inflammation Diet?

First it involves eliminating anything white:

  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • White rice
  • And Sugar

It is best to stay away from processed carbohydrates as much as possible.

However, enjoy lots of fruits and vegetables, except for corn and peas which are starchy.

Eliminate from your diet:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Canola oil
  • Corn oil
  • And Margarine

These are all a cause of chronic inflammation in your body.

Use instead:

Eat grass fed beef which is high in omega 3.

Grain fed beef does not have the omega 3s.

Do not be afraid of eggs and meat. Your body needs these nutrients.

Lastly take a pharmaceutical grade omega 3 fish oil supplement from a reliable source.

You can't eat enough fish to adequately supply your body with all the omega 3s you need.

Alzheimers Disease

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