I suffer from inflammation

by m.a.mooney
(geneva, Switzerland)

When I am swollen (water retention) due to air pressure and bad diet yes I am depressed and maybe I am depressed not to follow a better diet but by all accounts my diet is better than most.
I do well when the air pressure is suitable as when I lived in California where the seasonal air pressure remains good. .--- i think that means a constant high pressure system. Also my diet and exercise were top notch - lot s 0 gym and veggies.
Now I live at lake level in Europe and the summers make me swell.

I think swelling came first and depression after... but why do I swell at all?


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Jul 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

I'm not a doctor, but you could be dehydrated. Especially since the swelling is in the summer time. I'm not sure how the depression is related, but you might try some krill oil and see if you have any results. It can't hurt and it might make you feel better and help your depression.

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