Omega 3 Fish Oil and Chronic Inflammation

by Jennifer

Right On!
I was to the doctor recently, not for anything specific, but just not feeling well in general. He did the usual blood tests and everything, and what he recommended for me was omega 3 fish oil to reduce inflammation.

He said I have chronic inflammation and the fish oil should take care of it without any prescription medication. What he said next scarred me. He told me if I don't take the fish oil I could end up with an auto immune disease of some kind.

Thank you for the good information. I never heard of chronic inflammation before I was to this website. Keep up the good work. I am looking at the omega 3 fish oil on your site to purchase.

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Aug 20, 2010
Fish Oil
by: Anonymous

Be careful what fish oil you purchase. This website is right on. Many fish oils are contaminated and will harm you.

Don't look for the cheapest product you can find. You get what you pay for just like everything else.

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