Prevent A Heart Attack

by Jan

I have had high cholesterol for a few years and my doctor is always trying to get me to take Statins which I won't do. I am so happy to see your information on cholesterol not being the cause of heart disease after all. I will give this information to my doctor. He might know it already but I think he gets a kick back from the pharmaceutical company for writing prescriptions for the Statin drugs.

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Feb 25, 2010
Cholesterol and Heart Disease
by: Bea

Keep Fighting. Your doctor only knows what he/she has been taught. I hope he is open minded enough to listen. You could always find another doctor who doesn't buy into the whole cholesterol and heart disease thing.

That is what I had to do when mine insisted on giving me statins. She was not very nice when I refused. So I got my records and found another doctor who is willing to listen to somebody elses opinion and learn something new.

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