by Jackie
Spring Forest Qigong came to me from out of no where about six years ago. I got an email from somebody about Master Lins, Born A Healer Book. I never heard of such a thing as energy healing, but I was hooked from the beginning.
I ordered Born A Healer and told several people about it. Some of them caught my enthusiasm and some thought I was just plain nuts. But I didn't care. I believed in Qigong without knowing much about it.
I ordered Master Lins books and DVD's and when I finished those, I attended his training sessions. I have completed as far as level 3. Level 4 is a little more expensive for me right now. Some of the people I introduced Qigong to have gone to the level 4 retreat and said it was worth every penny and more. So, one of my goals is to get there in the near future.
Keep up the good work