"The Great Cholesterol Lie Will Empower You With The Truth About Cholesterol"

The information presented in The Great Cholesterol Lie is a new way of thinking.

Once you read this information you can't, and won't want to, go back to the old things you have been taught:

  • Cholesterol is bad
  • Take your statins
  • Don't eat fat
  • Follow the food pyramid

But You'll Still Get Heart Disease

In his book "The Great Cholesterol Lie" , Dr Lundell says "Knowledge is power." And he goes on to say "Intelligence is the wise use of knowledge."

He has had the knowledge for several years. Lucky for us he also has the intelligence, and the compassion for people.

He was a leader in his field.

He performed over 5000 open heart surgeries. But all the while he was saving lives by operating on people he was bothered.

He kept seeing people in his operating room having surgery,and Most Of Them Had Normal Cholesterol.

What He Kept Seeing In Almost All Cases Was Inflammation .

This bothered him.

He says in the book, when he became a doctor he took an oath "To Do No Harm."

He felt he was harming us by putting out fires,---doing surgery after the damage was done.

He Believed He Could Help Us Before We Ever Got Sick, So We Didn't End Up On His Operating Table.

So he set out to shatter the myth about cholesterol that has been the main stream solution for so long.

For years now, when someone sees a doctor they get put on statins for high cholesterol.

But Dr Lundell Has The Proof That Cholesterol Is Not The Problem.

He believes we can all stop heart disease before it ever starts.

Read that again. We Can Stop Heart Disease Ourselves. Not doctors with their pills and potions.

We can stop it ourselves! Don't Wait! Go Here to Find Out What He Recommends

In the book, he explains how inflammation gets started in our bodies, and finally makes us sick.

But more importantly, what we can do to prevent it, or eliminate it if we have it, and live long healthy lives.

He outlines exactly what we should and should not be doing to prevent heart disease.

If you are sick, or know someone who is sick. If you are on statin medication, or maybe the doctor has suggested it.

Read The Great Cholesterol Lie and change your life forever. You Can Order Your Copy Here.

After you read the book you will have the knowledge.

Will you put that knowledge to practice?

Learn About Dr Lundell
Heart Disease
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